Just Imagine My Hindsight

July 13th, 2005

I’m going to reveal a little secret about myself that few people know. I have better than perfect vision. At last test, I think it was 20/15 or something like that.

Now, before you go saying to yourself, “Isn’t it exciting that we have a friend who has a super power!” let me tell you that my power is a curse. Yes, I’m great at navigating road-signs and avoiding drug interactions, and yes, I found those prized mini-seashells every summer at the beach, but I can see every aphid on my patio plants. I can see the poop that the fleas on our cats have dropped into their fur. Hence my horror over small, organized insects.

And I can see dirt. Oh man. I can see every fluffy, orange hair Linus so casually sheds onto the carpet, every shard of cat food Mia explodes into the atmosphere when she crunches her car-crusher teeth into each morsel, every miniscule crumb of Saltine under Steve’s desk chair. That is why, as I prepare to leave for a week, I have to clean. Because not only do I dread returning to a house full of filth invisible to the normal or Stevel human eye, but I fear that if my powers grow, I might look west from Pittsburgh and be able to see No. 6, and I will die and have to be revived.

I should note to avoid misrepresenting him that Steve is not messy or dirty. He lives a very simple, normal life when I am gone. It involves code and Saltines and sleep and code. It’s only that he cannot see what I, with my cursed super-power vision, can. If duty calls me to join the forces of super-heroes, I think I will call myself “Ionic Breeze.” What do you think?

2 Responses to “Just Imagine My Hindsight”

  1. Miss Kate Says:

    Dawn’s comment, on the subject ‘Benefits of Having a Roommate’: “I learned how to properly clean a kitchen floor from Kristan. It has to be on the hands and knees, there’s no other way to do it right. Kristan taught me that” now makes perfect sense.

  2. AxsDeny Says:

    Can you clean our house when you are here? My superhero super-villain name would be Max Disorder.

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