
June 9th, 2005

Last night I had a dream in which I was in the shower, and it was so dirty, and I was so dirty that the walls of the shower were turning black. Then I had a coughing fit, and I coughed up a big lump. I was astonished at the size of said lump and nudged it with my toe. Realizing it was cloth, I picked it up to discover that it was the white half-slip I usually wear under summer skirts. The rest of the long, long dream involved my telling various strangers about this incident–trying to make them understand what a “slip” was, and trying to convince them I was telling the truth about coughing one up.

Ever since I went on an anti-depressant for panic attacks a few months back, I have had vivid, memorable dreams. In the past, my dreams were fragmented and fading; once in a great while, I might remember a little of one, but then the memory quickly receded. Now I can remember dreams in their entirety as if they were memories from waking events. Often, I wake up confused, because a dream has crossed far enough over into the real details of life to seem actual. Last week, I woke up very sad. I had dreamt that I was going to move in with a friend. I had lived at No. 6 long enough, and it was time. When I woke up next to Steve, I felt distraught over having to live somewhere without him. It was a long moment before I realized that, no, we were married, not just roommates, and I had no reason or plans to move out.

2 Responses to “[Hack]”

  1. AxsDeny Says:

    I can’t remember the last time I dreamt. My dreams normally involve me being in a fight or some sort of physical confrontation with someone. It’s always someone trying to hurt Bridget, the cats, or me. Always very odd though.

    Welcome back Kristan. It’s been too long.

  2. bridgey Says:

    I had the same response – really vivid, life-like dreams that I remembered completely when I woke up. It’s freaky huh? Luckily most of my dreams weren’t scary, but I few were unsettling…