Crap Happy

April 2nd, 2008

Violet is becoming more and more expressive. The first few weeks, her cries were, of course, upsetting to us. Instinct said to heed the cry and correct the problem, and love said to ease whatever unappealing state of things led her to wail in the first place. But now? Now when she cries, she LOOKS SAD. Her little mouth quivers and turns down, and her cheeks rise up toward her eyes. This is not just a cry to communicate the need for correction of some problem. It’s a sad little girl who needs more than a clean diaper, more than some lunch—she needs comfort.

The expressiveness goes double for her happy state. I’ve noticed that these come most often after she drops a poo bomb. Thus I refer to this state as Crap Happy.

Right now Stevel is coding on his laptop, I am blogging, and Violet is swinging to some annoying sound supplied by the swing’s tricky sound-maker. Linus is in a silly mood, scampering around, and Mia is here at my desk in her desk chair (it used to be mine, but I gave up and got another). This is domestic bliss.

4 Responses to “Crap Happy”

  1. dad Says:

    She is so cute. That littel bonnet is way cool. I have Erica’s permission to still say way cool. Cheri is prohibited from this and other words that are just not appropriate for Mothers to utter. And that little Happy Face is worth any price. Make sure she stays regular and she will smile for a very long time.

    As for the swing can’t you turn the sound off and play some i-tunes? Any thing would be better than nursery rhymns all day long.

  2. cindy Says:

    July can’t get here soon enough.

  3. Nana Says:

    Well, that smile, coy from the side, precious baby asleep like an angel–there was a commentator who said that babies are like “hookers”: they coo, smile, make those wonderful communication sounds so that you fall in love with them. That, then ,assures them that you will take care of them in the “hard times”.

    There was also a news report that had a woman claim that the baby swing–rocking back and forth, actually was saying, “Kill your mother, kill your mother”. Absurd from two angles: the mother who claimed to have heard that and the news station for broadcasting it. I think they should broadcast Vibble as “crap happy”.

  4. Mama Says:


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