The Purple Towel Ascends

April 21st, 2008

One of the side effects of Sarah-Architect’s second visit to the ER was that the purple towel finally reached its destined role as St. John’s medical waste.

Towards the end of Kristan’s pregnancy, we started considering things like trees falling in the forest and waters breaking in the car. With little-to-no direct tree-falling or water-breaking experience, we worked with the obvious: the forest is probably far enough away to be of little concern but broken water is probably pretty wet.

That’s when the purple towel took its place in the passenger seat of my car. Water never broke in the car as the towel remained dry and purposeless until tonsils broke for the second time.

Happy decay, purple towel.

(guest entry written by stevel in response to gentle-but-ongoing peer pressure)

5 Responses to “The Purple Towel Ascends”

  1. Sarah-Architect Says:

    Steve generously offered me the purple towel and told me the story of its original purpose on the way to the ER. As I held it to my face I was coherent enough to ask “um, there is no “water” on it, is there Steve?”

  2. Sarah-Architect Says:

    Steve generously offered me the purple towel and told me the story of its original purpose on the way to the ER. As I held it to my face I was coherent enough to ask “um, there is no “water” on it, is there Steve?”

  3. Dad Says:

    Smart thinking Sarah, but you may have been a bit late with the thought. Of course you had a legitamite excuse for slow wits at the time. Other concerns were paramount in your mind. I am glad you are doing better.

    Stevel that gentel, but on-going pressure will ever be a part of your wife, er life. Yeh I meant to say life.

  4. lavietes Says:

    Hm. I guess “wife” is easier to rhyme with “life” than “jeremy” would be — although it’s probably less accurate.


  5. ma Says:

    Purple towels and gentle reminders come and go. It’s the basic stuff that lasts forever.

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