Why I Don’t Like Squirrels

May 18th, 2008

[1] They are vermin
[2] They have claws
[3] They hiss and are cranky
[4] They run in front of cars
[5] They infest

5 Responses to “Why I Don’t Like Squirrels”

  1. dad Says:

    Actually they look kind of cute.

  2. cindy Says:

    Rats without wings. I prefer to see them dead on the road with their guts all hanging out. Little bastards.

    Allow me to be the junior grandparent here for a minute while I say, “The infestation where our dear, sweet VbL will be soon crawling is completely unacceptable.”

  3. Abigail Says:

    I concur! There was a park near here where the squirrels had gotten far too brave and would jump into strollers to get the snacks the kids had. Once they started jumping on the kids, we stopped going to that park!

  4. Dad Says:

    Allright you guys! Jeez, let one little vermin within 10 feet of Violet, and he/she/it, dies.

  5. ma Says:

    Aw, probably just some little squirrel family out for a picnic in the park. We have to share the earth with God’s creatures. They live here, too, and we are as annoying to them as they are to us. But you’re right – they are rodents and, as such, should not be trusted around children, no matter how cute they look. I can assure you that they do bite, since I have been bitten by one that I was trying to feed from my hand one time, so I don’t recomment getting too close to them. They can also get very brave, if you encourage them a little. I remember one time when we were camping and we gave a couple of them some food from our picnic table. The next thing we knew, they had called all of their friends and relatives within a 5 mile radius and told them it was time for a free lunch! They were all over us within minutes and we had to pack up and leave. But, if you stamp your feet and look fierce, they usually keep their distance.

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