Thank You for Letting Us Be Your F-WAKs, and Adventures

July 23rd, 2008

Hung out this weekend at two social events where Vibble was the only little one. Both events were filled with good food, good friends, and laughs. When we had a kid, I worried we’d lose some of our friends to the “we don’t have that much in common anymore” thing. But Violet has been welcomed, even adored, by our friends, and no one seems to mind having her along for the party. In my L.A. circles, I’m generally the only Friend With a Kid (F-WAK), and I appreciate that the people I love are cool with that. And I have to be honest: I especially appreciate that the friends who are such amazing cooks are cool with it.

Yesterday I woke up in a bit of a mope and stared at the crap on my desk that I need to do. Then I checked blogs, including Jeremedia, and I decided to change direction and take advantage of my freedom and Vibble’s portability and go to the Natural History Museum. The animatronic dinosaur isn’t there Mondays and Tuesdays it turns out, but I wasn’t disappointed. We had a great afternoon cruising the fantastic taxidermy, the Insect Zoo, the California history exhibit, and the butterfly garden. I also learned that margays can rotate their hind feet so that the claws point backwards. And I was fascinated to learn about the manroot. If any of my gardeny friends wants to grow one of these completely useless bad-boys, I’d pay to see it!

4 Responses to “Thank You for Letting Us Be Your F-WAKs, and Adventures”

  1. Nana Says:

    Oh how your trip to the museum takes me back. Vibble is your excuse to do all of those things. Wait until you have her along as an excuse to go to Disney movies. Then there is the zoo, the aquarium, the library, carnivals, circuses–all done in the name of Vibble, of course. What a great attitude–enjoy, enjoy for as long as you can. Ask Stevel what he remembers from little excursions. Don’t ask him about trips to fabric shops. My adult children are still traumatized by those trips!! Then go to the nearest playground and go on the monkey bars and go down the slide with kid in your lap. Merry Go Rounds–sit in the seats and not on the horse–yet.

  2. Nana Says:

    Oh how your trip to the museum takes me back. Vibble is your excuse to do all of those things. Wait until you have her along as an excuse to go to Disney movies. Then there is the zoo, the aquarium, the library, carnivals, circuses–all done in the name of Vibble, of course. What a great attitude–enjoy, enjoy for as long as you can. Ask Stevel what he remembers from little excursions. Don’t ask him about trips to fabric shops. My adult children are still traumatized by those trips!! Then go to the nearest playground and go on the monkey bars and go down the slide with kid in your lap. Merry Go Rounds–sit in the seats and not on the horse–yet.

  3. Christina Says:

    We loved having you with Vibble and Sarah (Architect) in tow. It was so much fun.

    Those “manroots” grow wild in the foothills of the San Gabriels. I see them when I’m hiking–they’re very funky plants.

    Can I just second your reminder of how awesome Natural History Museums are? They rock.

  4. Dad Says:

    manroot, margays, but NO Violet pictures! What gives? Wait until she gets to the question stage, why? what’s that? how come? etc. Better study up now.

    She is going to love zoos and aquariums. Movement and color.

    Great friends just look at Violet as another LaVietes. Smaller, cuter, but just as smart as you and Stevel. The trouble comes when she starts beating them all at their favorite games. Then you get the looks that say, What the!

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