Season 1 of Fringe

October 10th, 2009

Finally finished watching Season 1 of Fringe. If you haven’t watched it yet, I have a little drinking game you can play: Chug every time …
- someone’s brain melts or explodes
- someone is put into a drug-induced coma
- Cortexiphan is mentioned
- Peter asks Olivia, “Are you OK?”
- The Pattern is mentioned
- The characters spell out to each other what ZFT means
- Olivia says, “Tell Walter to prepare the tank,” and removes her clothing
- the characters have a conversation meant to explain why Peter is on the show
You will be sufficiently drunk (or, if chugging a non-alcoholic beverage, caffeinated) in no time. I did love the season, it really hooked me. It was like the X-Files was in its great first seasons, before it just turned nightmare-inducing with little payoff. Not that Fringe doesn’t have its nightmare-inducing qualities—those sensitive to this can do what I did and mute everything that comes before the opening theme song and credits.

3 Responses to “Season 1 of Fringe”

  1. Jeremy Says:

    So you like this but not lost? Does not compute.

  2. lavietes Says:

    I never said I didn’t like Lost … what I’ve said is, I don’t want to get INTO Lost. Now that I’ve been walking around with Fringe in my head for days and fear I need an exorcist to purge it, I’m more than ever convinced a show like Lost is not for me. Alas, the delicate mind of me!

  3. Christina Says:

    We like this one too. Like you Fringe still weirds me out completely though, and after watching an episode, Emilio will sleep soundly next to me while I fret and fret and fret.

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