Where The Wild Things Are Sleeping

November 9th, 2009

Last night Vibble slept in her crib for a couple of hours. Sometimes this happens. We heard a lot of banging in there—like legs and a little skull hitting the sides of the crib quite hard. I went in twice to comfort her; both times, I found her crying in her sleep. Steve went in a couple of times, I think, and finally brought her into our bed. She commenced her usual routine there: Refusing with exaggerated kicking motions to have any body parts under the covers, and insisting on positioning herself horizontally across the bed, presumably to be in the best position to kick Steve in the head all night long. But last night there was an added twist. Three times she woke me up chatting away in her Vibblese, touching my arm and face, and tilting her head side to side as she talked. All three of these times I found her to be STILL ASLEEP. Each time she wound down the session by flailing and flopping around the bed and finally sighing and being still/quiet. Now we know why some nights when she has ended up in our bed we find her asleep on the floor NEXT TO the bed, or, once, all the way over by the bathroom vanity. Nothing unusual about yesterday evening—no extra sugar, TV, nothing. Just a normal day, with a crazy toddler night.

Halloween was so sickening cute this year I was literally holding back the puke. We went to Corvallis, Oregon, and spent the holiday with Steve’s sister Debi, Debi’s son, Sam, and Mike. Friday afternoon there was trick-or-treating in downtown Corvallis at the businesses there; as a college town, Corvallis still has a thriving little downtown commerce area. We dressed the kid as a sheep this year, and Holy Sheep Poo she was C-U-T-E. By the third business, she had observed enough to know what to do … she walked up to the candy person and opened her bag with an expectant look.

Saturday I took Sam and his friend trick-or-treating, and Vibble hung back with Steve, Debi, and Mike to pass out candy. Sam was a wizard, and we had a nice walk around the cul de sacs of their neighborhood. By the time we got back, Violet was an Old Pro at the candy giveaway concept. Doorbell would ring, she’d pick up the giant bowl of candy, kids would say, “Aw!” when they saw her, then “Trick or treat!” Violet would reply, “Teet teet!” and dole out the candy, to which the kids would say, “Thank you!” and she would reply, “Thank you!” Barfously adorable, no?

We were able to bait-and-switch fruit roll-ups for candy with her, though we could see it would certainly be the last year for THAT. We had gorgeous weather in Corvallis, with the leaves turning and the sun shining a lot, and we enjoyed the visit immensely.

Oh, what’s that? You want to see what? Oh! PHOTOS! Here ya’ go. Oh, and I posted a few more recently over here, too.

3 Responses to “Where The Wild Things Are Sleeping”

  1. dad Says:

    MY Grandaughter is just waaaaay to cute! Every time you look she has developed a new personality trait.

    Keeps you guessing as to what will be next.

    Have you considered sleeping in the crib? Maybe you can coax the others over there (they all want to be where you are anyway). Then you sneek back in to your own bed.

  2. ma Says:

    ADORABLE! And I loved the picture of Steve on the tire swing, too. One of the best parts of having kids is that it gives you an excuse to have fun doing kid stuff that you would never get a chance to do as an adult without them.

    Awww – even though you guys got a king-sized bed there’s still no room in it for you? Musical beds, anyone?

  3. Abigail Says:

    She was incredibly cute in the photos you posted!

    I have friends who have either the sugar fairy or the tooth fairy trade candy for more tooth-friendly treats. Our kids seem to just forget about their candy but we might have the halloween fairy give them a few days and then just take the rest of it to Erik’s work. Anything to keep them from constantly gorging. :)

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