Morning Pretties

July 6th, 2010

My morning routine for myself used to be what I always considered, ‘Low Maintenance.’ A little makeup, clothes selection, some hair attention.

Now that old routine seems prima donna in comparison to what I get to do. Here’s what it looks like:


Sometimes I try to do some yoga. HA! Violet thinks this is HILARIOUS! Time to use every muscle in her body to knock Mom over! Wheee!


OK, get myself dressed. Can I even enter the closet? Most days this involves traversing a blockade of laundry baskets. If so, it’s bottoms, a top, and hope they match.


Around this time I have to turn on some Madeline, because the Little Boss does not like for me to spend too much time in the closet, heaven forbid. Demands! If I have time to be in the closet, then apparently I have time on my hands—why am I not holding her!


‘Makeup’ these days has been pared down to one thing: Chap Stick. Chap Stick is the entirety of my beauty regimen. (Naturally, I don’t balk at buying expensive LUXURY Chap Stick, because it’s got to work hard to draw attention away from my blemishes and dark circles.) Of course, today, my Chap Stick was unavailable. As I was sighfully debating whether to dig in the laundry baskets to try and find it, Vibble showed up at the closet door. She brushed her hair back from her face to show off to me her handiwork: Her face was completely buttered in Chap Stick. “Lovely! Mom’s turn to use MOM’s Chap Stick!” (At least she has stopped using it to completely fill in her navel—she’s just maturing every day, and we are so proud.)


So the Chap Stick has been recovered. Without offending any sensibilities out there, let me just say this: Step 5 is where one hopes one does not need any feminine hygiene products. Because in Vibble’s room there is a dolly napping on a mattress of panty liners … and tampons, forget it. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to wrap tampons in colorful plastic wrappers—you know, like CANDY! or HAPPY MEAL TOYS!—I curse you. They are a holy grail of toddlers.


Breakfast: Diet Pepsi and whatever has the most sugar/choco power.


Shoes: Flip flops. No matter how cold it is out, they are fast and, most importantly, in the living room. Once I’ve come downstairs, there is no going back. There’s just no time. We’ve got to be somewhere, and Vibble is purposely dribbling milk on her clean shirt and refusing to wear pants.


Pack the day’s needs. This step is so important, it requires I stop. Breathe. Focus. The last thing I want today is to be on some playground and smell poo on my kid and realize I don’t have a diaper. Hand sanitizer, yes. Crayons, of course. A diaper? Um.


Step 9 is where I turn off Madeline. You have probably heard this step, wherever you live. It is deafening.


Step 10 is where we head out of the garage, and I realize I forgot to put on deodorant, brush my teeth, and so much as look at my hair in a mirror. Good thing it’s not me people are looking at when we’re out in public, but this cute little pantsless kid with the milk on her shirt, right?

3 Responses to “Morning Pretties”

  1. Nana Says:

    This is why one has to admire those women who get the kids out of the house and dropped off somewhere and arrive at work looking put together. If I got a shower before afternoon nap time it was only because I was so organized. Ha!! However, the 8 years I was home with the kids, until Stevel went to school, were the best years of my adult life. I loved watching my kids grow and getting to play with all that stuff and go on adventures–just had to be home in time to brown onions so that when the wage earner got home, he thought I was cooking all day. Hamburgers with caramelized onion, omelette with caramelized onions, hot dogs with caramelized onions–worked every time.

    So, my wonderful daughter in law, keep those blogs coming and enjoy this time with precious princess.

  2. ma Says:

    Motherhood is not a job for sissys! I can’t think of another profession where you’re required to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for at least 6 years straight without a break!

    Oh, you can “get away” for a few hours or even for a weekend, but you’re never really “off duty”. It’s more like you’re “on call”. You’re in a constant state of readiness and your mind is still “on the job” the whole time.

    Even slaves got Christmas day off! For mothers, that’s one of the busiest and most difficult days of the year!

    I guess it’s not hard to understand why, when my great-grandmother had baby #7 in 1915, she called her oldest daughter (my grandmother, who was 17 years old) into the bedroom, handed her the new baby and said “Here Marie, this one is yours.” Then she probably rolled over with a smile on her face and went back to sleep.

    By the way, somehow you always look beautiful, even when your hair is crazy and you’re only wearing chapstick. It’s something about your smile….don’t know exactly what it is, but I’m struck by it every time I see you. And I really love it when someone looks at a picture of you and says “She looks alot like you.” Wow! What a compliment! :-)

  3. susan Says:

    Sometimes I purposely leave one of my kids pantsless to deflect the attention away from my own lack of hygiene.

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