What She Says I Have to Look Forward To

November 22nd, 2007

My sister called tonight at 9:30 p.m. That’s after midnight her-time. I could tell she was in her car. I said, “What are you doing calling so late? Where are you?”

“I’m going to Wal-Mart,” she said, “to get night-light bulbs.”

She was jealous to be reminded that Stevel and I live across the street from a 24-hour CVS.

2 Responses to “What She Says I Have to Look Forward To”

  1. jer Says:

    Every time I leave your place I have a CVS will-battle. CVS wins when there a red light and I sit there looking at the front doors thinking of the delights within. Chocolate! Ice cream! Weird Chinese gadgets for only $9.99!

    Tonight was a green light night, and bread pudding satisfaction still lingers.

  2. ma Says:

    You are going to be OH-SO-GLAD that you have CVS so close and convenient after Her Highness arrives! It will save you many late night trips in the car.

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