I Just Need to Vent a Moment

July 8th, 2010

This has been a trying week and a half. A lot of events that, taken one by one, alone, I could absorb with not a lot of impact, are adding up to make me feel pretty stressed: Getting rear-ended on the freeway and all of the errand-running that has followed for car repairs, added to Vibble’s trip to the ER. We’re trying not to feel constant stress about taking her back in next Tuesday to have the staple removed, but that’s hard. I don’t want her to have to walk back in that scary place, let alone get held down by orderlies again for another, albeit quick, procedure. It’s just not something I look forward to in life, for either of us.

Then there were cat problems; Mia has always been a “pee cat,” but it’s gotten increasingly worse, and this past week she peed on the living room carpet, on some stuffed animals, and in a giant box of Legos. LEGOS! Just stop a moment and imagine the clean-up involved. It’s about a hundred bucks’ worth of Legos, so I don’t want to pitch it, but EW. SO GROSS. So I took her to the vet, and long story short, she had her teeth cleaned, and we had to rearrange our upstairs to basically create her own country up there and give our master bathroom completely to her, and now she is on some kind of antidepressant that apparently causes her to have the squirts all over the house. You’re right, Vets, this is way better than the peeing. I’m just at the end of my rope with that one, and I’m not the only one; the tension here in the house over her this week has been trying. And so every night now it’s medicate Linus, medicate Mia, clean up after Mia, clean up after Mia some more, and try not to hate this kitty. It’s not her fault, but oh man, she’s hard to love right now. Our house smells embarrassing.

OK, so the list continues: Yesterday I took my car into the shop and picked up a rental car. The wait for the rental car was a real drag, and poor Vibble was really doing her toddler-best to be patient. So we headed from there to the mall to meet up with friends so Violet could play, and this kid—this kid who NEVER PUKES—let go a gallon of gushing vomitousness in the back seat of the rental car. A rental car in which I had NONE of my usual supplies with which to clean her up, reclothe her, etc. Flash forward to naked Vibble, escaping from the store where I am buying her an outfit and streaking into the mall. Yes, she felt fine. But the car seat was ruined. It was that much puke—chunks of it down in the mechanisms, and the padding soaked. Having once before tried to clean the exact same model of car seat (in one of only four other times in her little life she has puked), I know this: I can get the stench out of the fabric, but no amount of cleaning, with any amount of products, gets it out of the plastic. And anyway, I can’t sit her in this car seat, no way, it’s soaked, and I can’t snap the clasp shut. Our other car seat is now in the repair garage. This is going on way too long, this venting, so let me just say thank you to Brooke and to David for watching Vibble at the mall while I ran to Target to get the only car seat they had that fit the bill, so I could get her home and beyond.

Add to all of this that we’re in some kind of long home stretch with Stevel’s app he’s been working on, so he’s spread thin enough to be transparent, working too hard all day and coming home to work too hard all evening on the app a lot of nights. Add to it the unexpected expenses of the ER bill, the vet bills, the new car seat—again, all things we could absorb individually without saying “ouch” too loud, but all at once, well, it’s just been an expensive and draining couple of weeks. A few too many of those moments where I’m standing there going, “OK, I need a plan to deal with this mini-crisis.” I know I shouldn’t even be complaining about ANY of these things. They ALL turned out just fine in the end, none were serious, just minor bumps in the sidewalk, but I just feel so … remember that commercial where the lady goes, “Calgon, take me away!” I wonder if you can still get Calgon.

Thank you for listening. I do feel better now. And we just had a 5.9 earthquake. Shake it up, Cali!

6 Responses to “I Just Need to Vent a Moment”

  1. ma Says:

    As a human being, I can honestly say without reservation that, if I was so old and decrepit that I could no longer control my bladder and bowels and that I had become a burden to the people that I have loved all of my life and they had to daily put me through the trauma of shoving medicine down my throat, I would WANT them to gently and lovingly PUT ME TO SLEEP!

    Do NOT let that vet talk you into prolonging that poor cat’s life another day!

    And I’m sorry, because I know how much you both love your cats, but I’ve watched Linus try to walk and climb stairs and you know as well as I do that he is in a LOT of pain. Prolonging his daily misery because it’s hard to think of giving him up is kind of cruel.

    Why don’t you just let both cats go to cat-heaven together? It would be the kindest and most unselfish thing that you could do for them. They have been good friends to you and they don’t deserve to spend their last days in pain, confusion and misery.

    As for the rest of it, you need to rent a funny movie – like “Mr. Mom” or “Parenthood” – even if you’ve seen it before, just because it will hit you very differently, now that you’re actually living it. :-)

    Wish I was there to share in all the fun times with you! I’m sure missing all of the good stuff! :-( (And I sincerely mean that!)

    Love you all! XXXOOO

  2. Kristan Says:

    Should we consider this your Living Will, Ma?

  3. ma Says:


  4. Bridget Says:

    I can’t wait to give you a hug this weekend. Having just been through *only* the car accident part and thinking that was enough, I am so sorry you had such a bummer of a few weeks.

  5. Marisol Says:

    Oh my gosh, K. The fact that you have kept some sense of humor through all of those things you endured is truly an accomplishment. The part that I just chuckle imagining is you running Vib through the mall naked! The things we must do as a mom!

    I’m so sorry to hear about Mia… That kitty has lived a long life! The poor thing… but I can imagine how horrible it is for you right now. Hang in there.

    Like Bridget said, I can’t wait to give you a hug too!

  6. Abigail Says:

    Okay, so I’m really behind and you’ve probably either chucked or figured out something for the LEGO but I wanted to let you know that you can toss LEGOs in the washer zipped up in a pillowcase.

    I hope things have improved drastically in the last 20 days!

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