She Wins

October 4th, 2010

Vibble just got her hands on a book I had been reading and scribbled all over the inside cover and on a bunch of the pages, with pen. Not that she’d be in “trouble,” per se, as a two-year-old, BUT I can hardly even be upset, given that it was THIS BOOK she chose for her endeavor.

Yeah, she wins.

5 Responses to “She Wins”

  1. ma Says:

    Oh, yeah…that’s a keeper!

  2. Kate Says:

    classic!!! lol

  3. Jennifer Douglas Says:

    Gotta keep that book for her … someday she’ll get a good laugh out of that one. So cute!

  4. Abigail Says:

    Too funny!

  5. Miracle Says:

    It’s wnoefdrul to have you on our side, haha!

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