Day Two

April 14th, 2011

After seven years of marriage, there are still things I’m learning about fashion from Stevel. Like how different colors of the same shirt heat up more than others. Here’s an example from today. As Steve picked up off of the floor the wadded jeans he had worn yesterday, I said, “Day two?”

“Oh, yeah ..” he said, “Day One is too stiff. Day Three is pushin’ it. But Day Two: That’s the sweet spot.”

2 Responses to “Day Two”

  1. Cindy Says:

    Day two? Man that’s nothing in this house. Matt will wear a pair of jeans for seven days in a row if I don’t take them and wash them immediately.

    I’m all about 2-3 days but after that? Wash.

  2. ma Says:

    Mike wears the same pair of jeans until I tell him to put on clean ones, and then he questions my request. “Why…do they have a stain on them or something?”

    I guess, as long as there is no obvious sign of dirt on them, they’re wearable. (Sigh)

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